Sunday, September 21, 2008

Uncle Sal and the Dating Dilemma (Episode 59)

Uncle Sal hung his marigold porkpie hat on the rack by the door and joined his friends for his weekly pinochle game. He reached into the bowl of peanut butter pretzels on the table and waited as John shuffled the new deck of Mannix playing cards.

As John shuffled, Sal said, "I gotta call from Giacomo right before I left the house. He tells me he's got a problem. He's dating two different girls. I tell him we should all have such a problem. Turns out he does have kind of a dilemma on his hands."

John dealt the cards and Uncle Sal looked at his hand. "So this one girl, Angie Behr, she and her family are going out for the first day of duck season, and they invited Giacomo along. Great, right? Who don't love duck huntin'? Then this other girl Louella Pound, Giacomo tells me she's got a body like a gymnast. Anyway, the same day she invites him to come and play in her family's annual flag football game."

Uncle Sal popped a couple pretzels in his mouth and washed them down with a sip of Spud's Beer. "He's goin' on and on about what is he gonna do. Like he's the poorest guy in the world because two women want him to hang out with their families on the same day. I gotta tell ya, after a while, I stopped listening. I mean, some guys have enough time handling one girl at a time. I gotta give him points for havin' two on the hook."

John looked over his cards and said, "So, what's he gonna do about his unfortunate situation?"

"I dunno what he's gonna do. I reckon I'd try to do both if I could. If he's lucky, he'll gun with the Behrs and punt with the Pounds."

This episode featured
Tommy Barks as Uncle Sal
Major Cherry as John
Jellybean Merengue as the bowl of peanut butter pretzels.

Tune in next week when Uncle Sal says, "Never go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line."

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